Can Information be Personal? & Ad-hoc networks
Some very interesting thoughts on information privacy and the Data Protection Act from a lecture at theCaledonian Research Foundation(RSE)by Baroness Onora O'Neill - "Can Information be Personal".
I am told this loophole is to close.
"The definition [of ‘processing’] in the Act is a compendious definition and it is difficult to envisage any action involving data which does not amount to processing within this definition"I was amused reading this lecture this week as it co-incided with finding an example not covered by the Act - from the ICO we find a press releasefrom 2007!
"However, the Regulations only apply to messages sent over a public electronic communications network and we have concluded that Bluetooth messages are not in fact sent using such a network."Nor a lot of research networks of the last number of years! (e.g. Haggle...)
I am told this loophole is to close.
Written on November 12, 2009