Ad blocking why?
Curious morning on the tweets as @IanBrownOII responds to a (sponsored (*)) Guardian article claiming that the reason people use ad-blockers is that the ads are poor quality - a call to arms for advertisers everywhere!
Ian flags his excellent work from 2010 on privacy preserving advertising that points the way to support advertising but solves what most of us think is the issue - arbitrary tracking and unknown sharing of user profile information.
Even the Guardian was at it - in visiting the article the website tried to inject 5 trackers into my browser when I visited the site, but trusty old ghostery was having none of it. Thank goodness I am old and crusty enough to use a personal computer into which I can install this sort of plug-in - god save those on mobile devices who have no ability to control the tracking. We hear ad-blocking is coming soon to an OS near you, but I do sincerely hope it is not done by having Apple track everything you do and then block others.
However, moving to the bottom of the Guardian page we find an article "Internet of things: intelligent household devices raise privacy concerns" (sponsored by the same folks as the aforementioned article), where that irrepressible tweeter @Maurizio_Pilu<> is explaining the importance of privacy by design.
So we have two articles in the Guardian with completely different views of the world - but being a scientist I need to know - why do you use and ad-blocker? We could set up Qualtrics, but hey, we can mine the social media - to the tweets with you:
Even the Guardian was at it - in visiting the article the website tried to inject 5 trackers into my browser when I visited the site, but trusty old ghostery was having none of it. Thank goodness I am old and crusty enough to use a personal computer into which I can install this sort of plug-in - god save those on mobile devices who have no ability to control the tracking. We hear ad-blocking is coming soon to an OS near you, but I do sincerely hope it is not done by having Apple track everything you do and then block others.
However, moving to the bottom of the Guardian page we find an article "Internet of things: intelligent household devices raise privacy concerns" (sponsored by the same folks as the aforementioned article), where that irrepressible tweeter @Maurizio_Pilu<> is explaining the importance of privacy by design.
So we have two articles in the Guardian with completely different views of the world - but being a scientist I need to know - why do you use and ad-blocker? We could set up Qualtrics, but hey, we can mine the social media - to the tweets with you:
#adblockadssuck or #adblockprivacyYou might agree with both, but hey give the most important one.
Written on July 9, 2015